Semana 03: Exercício sobre a Família - Curso Grátis de Inglês

I- Selecione o gênero oposto dos seguintes membros da família.
1. dad
2. sister
3. daughter
4. father
5. uncle
6. boyfriend
7. grandmother
8. wife
9. niece
10. father-in-law

II- Assinale a alternativa correta.
1. I'm married with Anna. She's my .
2. My mother's mother is my .
3. My mother's son is my .
4. My father's father is my .
5. My father's daughter is my .
6. My aunt's son is my .
7. My sister's daughter is my .
8. My mother's sister is my .
9. My brother's wife is my .
10. My husband's mother is my .

III- Observe a árvore genealógica seguinte e selecione a resposta correta.
My father is 74 years old. His name is Dave.
1. My is 72 years old. Her name is Grace.
2. I have got a . She is spinster.
3. My is 42 years old. He is married with two children.
4. I have got two too.
5. My is called Emma. She is single.
6. My son is called . He is married.
7. His is called Sophia, just like my niece.
8. Do you know who I am? My name is .

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança