Exercícios com "Their" e "Theirs" em inglês

Assinale a alternativa correta usando "Their" ou "Theirs" em inglês.
If your car doesn't start, take ______.
Possíveis Respostas:
Everyone should bring ______ own lunch.
Possíveis Respostas:
Our house is number 50, and ______ is just opposite.
Possíveis Respostas:
You take our books and I'll take ______.
Possíveis Respostas:
The neighbors are bringing ______ children too.
Possíveis Respostas:
Grandparents usually love ______ grandchildren.
Possíveis Respostas:
They have just invited us to ______ wedding.
Possíveis Respostas:
I can't find my keys, but ______ are on the table.
Possíveis Respostas:
My parents went on vacation with friends of ______.
Possíveis Respostas:
Our neighbors are painting ______ house.
Possíveis Respostas:

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Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança