Past Simple ou Past Participle - Exercícios de Inglês

Completa as frases com past simple ou past participle.

1. Sally _____ (sell) her bicycle when she _____ (break) her leg last month.

2. I've _____ (ring) the doorbell two times and there's no answer. I think they've _____ (go) out.

3. I _____ (give) the report to Eric, but he _____ (forget) to post it.

4. Sam hasn't _____ (find) his credit cards yet. He can't remember where he
_____ (leave) them.

5. Do you remember the photo of Pam that you _____ (show) me? Was it
_____ (take) by a professional photographer?

6. A elephant _____ (escape) from the national zoo yesterday, but it was _____ (catch) a few hours later.

7. Steve has often _____ (think) about learning to fly, but he hasn't _____ (do) it yet.

8. When he was younger, Paul always _____ (wear) a ring which was _____ (give) to him by his grandfather.

9. Alan _____ (learn) to swim when he was a baby. But he _____ (fall) into a river when he was four years old and he's never (swim) again.

10. Anne _____ (feel) ill last night, so she _____ (go) to bed and _____ (sleep) for five hours. 


1. sold - broke
2. rung - gone
3. gave - forgot
4. found - left
5. showed - taken
6. escaped - caught
7. thought - done 
8. wore - given
9. learnt/learned - fell - swum
10. felt - went - slept 

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança