Listado de Contrações em Inglês

Contrações afirmativas:

I'm = I am 


I am a new man. = I'm a new man.
(Eu sou um novo homem.)

You're = You are 


You are so beautiful. = You're so beautiful.
(Você é tão bonita.)

He's, She's, It's = He is, She is, It is 


She is the perfect girl. = She's the perfect girl.
(Ela é a garota perfeita.)

We're = We are 


We are good friends to the present day. = We're good friends to the present day.
(Somos bons amigos até hoje.)

They're = They are 


They are barbarians. = They're barbarians.
(Eles são bárbaros.)

There's = There is 


If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. = If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.
(Se você preceisar de alguma coisa, não hesite em perguntar.)

That's = That is 


That is awesome. = That's awesome.
(Isso é incrível.)

Let's = Let us 


So let us start from here. = So let's start from here.
(Por isso, vamos começar a partir daqui.)

I've = I have 


Recently, I have been feeling really tired. = Recently, I've been feeling really tired. 
(Recentemente, tenho me sentido muito cansado.)

You've = You have 


You have waked me too soon. = You've waked me too soon.
(Você me acordou cedo demais.)

We've = We have


We have been waiting here for over two hours! = We've been waiting here for over two hours! 
(Temos estado esperando aqui por mais de duas horas.)

You'll = You will 


You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. = You'll know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 
(Você saberá a verdade, e a verdade irá te libertar.)

We'll = We will 


We will never be the same. = We'll never be the same. 
(Nós nunca mais seremos os mesmos.)

I'd = I would 


I would like to go next year. = I'd like to go next year. 
(Eu gostaria de ir no próximo ano.)

We'd = We would 


We would like to know who you are. = We'd like to know who you are.  
(Gostaríamos de saber quem você é.)

Contrações negativas:

Aren't = Are not 


You are not mine. = You aren't mine.
(Você não é meu.)

Can't = Can not (Cannot) 


This can not be true. = This can't be true.  
(Isso não pode ser verdade.)

Couldn't = Could not 


The file could not be opened. =  The file couldn't be opened. 
(O arquivo não pôde ser aberto.)

Don't = Do not


Do not tell me what I can't do. = Don't tell me what I can't do.
(Não me diga o que eu não posso fazer.)

Doesn't = Does not


He does not call me anymore. = He doesn't call me anymore. 
(Ele não me chama mais.)

Hadn't = Had not 


He had not blacked out before incident. = He hadn't blacked out before incident.
(Ele não tinha desmaiado antes do incidente.)

Wasn't = Was not 


It was not my intention to offend anyone. = It wasn't my intention to offend anyone.
(Não era minha intenção ofender ninguém.)

Shouldn't = Should not 


This should not be happening. = This shouldn't be happening.
(Isso não deveria estar acontecendo.)

Weren't = Were not 


They were not invited. = They weren't invited.
(Eles não foram convidados.)

Isn't = Is not 


This is not my blouse.= This isn't my blouse. 
(Esta não é a minha blusa.)

Hasn't = Has not 


He has not got a budgie. = He hasn't got a budgie.
(Ele não tem um periquito.)

Haven't = Have not 


I have not seen those documents. =  I haven't seen those documents. 
(Eu não tenho visto esses documentos.)

Mustn't = Must not 


Passengers must not talk to the driver. =  Passengers mustn't talk to the driver.
(Os passageiros não devem falar com o motorista.)

Wouldn't = Would not 


I would not wish it on anyone. = I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
(Eu não desejo a ninguém.)

Won’t = Will not 


He will not play today. = He won't play today.
(Ele não vai jogar hoje.)

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança