Exercício com Adjetivos Numerais: Ordinais e Cardinais em Inglês

Assinale a alternativa correta sobre os adjetivos Cardinais e Ordinais em inglês.
I have four books. The _______ book is my favorite.
Possíveis Respostas:
I live at _______ Street.
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She is very proud about her competition. She arrived in _______ place.
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Susan has _______ dogs.
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My father was born on the _______ of February.
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I would like to go to the cinema, but let’s go to the beach _______.
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There are _______ friends of mine in the theater.
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We live in a big house with _______ rooms.
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_______ degrees below zero.
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Today is the _______ day of school.
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Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança