Exercícios com Advérbios de Modo em Inglês

Assinale a alternativa correta usando os advérbios de modo em inglês.
The old woman walked ____________.
Possíveis Respostas:
My father does not speak English ________.
Possíveis Respostas:
We slept __________ last week.
Possíveis Respostas:
They drive ____________ when they go in that car.
Possíveis Respostas:
Bill loses his temper ___________.
Possíveis Respostas:
I ___________ began to feel that they were my friends again.
Possíveis Respostas:
I look for my children ____________ .
Possíveis Respostas:
I want my son to behave ________ to every person that he meet.
Possíveis Respostas:
Stella was speaking very _________ and his friends couldn't understand her.
Possíveis Respostas:
The boy is reading ________.
Possíveis Respostas:

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança