Frases com "There was" e "There were" em Inglês

There was no need to go.
(Não havia necessidade de ir.)
There were forty people at the party.
(Havia quarenta pessoas na festa.)
There was a car outside my house this afternoon.
(Havia um carro do lado de fora da minha casa esta tarde.)
There were a lot of messages for Susan at the office.
(Havia muitas mensagens para Susan no escritório.)
There were beautiful flowers in the garden.
(Havia belas flores no jardim.)
There was a sofa in this room.
(Havia um sofá neste quarto.)
There weren't any biscuits left in the tin.
(Não havia nenhum biscoito na lata.)
There weren't clouds in the sky.
(Não havia nuvens no céu.)
Were there twenty students in her class?
(Havia vinte alunos na aula dela?)
Was there a post office in this street five years ago?
(Havia uma agência de correios nesta rua cinco anos atrás?)

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança