Am / Is / Are - Exercícios com o Verbo To be em Inglês

Complete o texto com as seguintes palavras:

am / am not / is / is not / are / are not

Hello, I (1) ___ Samantha I (2) ___ American. I (3) ___ from Canada. My favourite sport (4) ___ tennis, but I (5) ___ a good player because I (6) ___ very fat.

This (7) ___ my siter, Sue. She (8) ___ interested in sport. She thinks it (9) ___ boring. Mia and Sandra (10) ___ our friends. They (11) ___ at school today because it's a holiday. It (12) ___ Mia's birthday today. She (13) ___ 13 years old.


1 - am
2 - am not
3 - am
4 - is
5 - am not
6 - am
7 - is
8 - is not
9 - is
10 - are
11 - are not
12 - is
13 - is

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança