Futuro Perfeito em Inglês

O Futuro Perfeito forma-se com "will" + "have" + verbo em "past participle".
Geralmente vai acompanhado pela preposição "by" ou a expressão adverbial "by the time".
Flexionar os verbos em Futuro Perfeito é muito simples. Veja um exemplo:
Forma afirmativa do verbo "to work" em Futuro Perfeito.
Verbo "To work" Forma Contraída Português
I will have worked I'll have worked Eu terei trabalhado
You will have worked You'll have worked Você terá trabalhado
He will have worked He'll have worked Ele terá trabalhado
She will have worked She'll have worked Ela terá trabalhado
It will have worked It'll have worked Ele, Ela terá trabalhado (neutro)
We willl have worked We'll have worked Nós teremos trabalhado
You will have worked You'll have worked Vocês terão trabalhado
They will have worked They'll have worked Eles, Elas terão trabalhado
Forma negativa do verbo "to work" em Futuro Perfeito.
Verbo "To work" Forma Contraída Português
I will not have worked I won't have worked Eu não terei trabalhado
You will not have worked You won't have worked Você não terá trabalhado
He will not have worked He won't have worked Ele não terá trabalhado
She will not have worked She won't have worked Ela não terá trabalhado
It will not have worked It won't have worked Ele, Ela não terá trabalhado (neutro)
We will not have worked We won't have worked Nós não teremos trabalhado
You will not have worked You won't have worked Vocês não terão trabalhado
They will not have worked They won't have worked Eles, Elas não terão trabalhado
Forma interrogativa do verbo "to work" em Future Perfect.
Verbo "To work" Português
Will I have worked? Eu terei trabalhado?
Will you have worked? Você terá trabalhado?
Will he have worked? Ele terá trabalhado?
Will she have worked? Ela terá trabalhado?
Will it have worked? Ele, Ela terá trabalhado? (neutro)
Will we have worked? Nós teremos trabalhado?
Will you have worked? Vocês terão trabalhado?
Will they have worked? Eles, Elas terão trabalhado?
Respostas curtas em Futuro Perfeito.
Resposta Afirmativa Resposta Negativa
Yes, I will No, I will not
No, I won't
Yes, you will No, you will not
No, you won't
Yes, he will No, he will not
No, he won't
Yes, she will No, she will not
No, she won't
Yes, it will No, it will not
No, it won't
Yes, we will No, we will not
No, we won't
Yes, you will No, you will not
No, you won't
Yes, they will No, they will not
No, they won't
Ordem das frases com verbos em Futuro Perfeito:
Afirmativas: sujeito + will have + verbo em past participle + objetos.
The painters will have finished the house tomorrow.
(Os pintores terão terminado a casa amanhã.)
By the time you arrive, I will have already finished my work.
(Quando você chegar, eu já terei terminado meu trabalho.)
Negativas: sujeito + will not have + verbo em past participle + objetos.
The painters will not have finished the house tomorrow.
(Os pintores não terão terminado a casa amanhã.)
By the time you arrive, I will not have finished my work.
(Quando você chegar, eu não terei terminado meu trabalho.)
Interrogativas Afirmativas: will + sujeito + have + verbo em past participle + objetos.
Will the painters have finished the house tomorrow?
(Os pintores terão terminado a casa amanhã?)
Will you have studied all the subjects by tomorrow?
(Você terá estudado todas as disciplinas até amanhã?)
Respostas curtas afirmativas: "Yes" + sujeito + will.
Yes, I will.
Yes, she will.
Respostas curtas negativas: "No" + sujeito + will + not.
No, I will not.
No, she will not.

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança